2020年10月20日 星期二

[翻譯] 預防高中棒球選手過度訓練的訓練準則



當然,對於基層的小選手來說,偷懶不練球的也很多,要怎麼拿捏訓練跟休息的分寸,就要仰賴教練的專業以及智慧了。而本篇文章是由德州遊騎兵隊的Jose Vazquez 撰寫,內容有明確的定義過度訓練的症狀,還有要怎樣避免過度訓練的發生。分享給大家


Research indicates that there is a significant risk of overtraining among HS athletes in all sports if proper guidelines are not established and followed. Overtraining occurs over three stages: 1) excessive training; 2) overreaching; and 3) overtraining.

目前有許多研究顯示,如果沒有制定一個標準的準則,高中的運動選手是很容易出現過度訓練的情況的。過度訓練通常有三個階段: 訓練疲勞,超量訓練,過度訓練

  • Excessive training occurs when athletes are subjected to an unnecessary high intensity or volume of training. We see this in the weight room when training loads are too high or too many reps are performed in a workout. We also see it when players are asked to run too far, run too many sprints and/or run too fast with inadequate recovery between reps and sets in a training session. It also occurs after extra-inning games, double headers or when there is a sudden increase in the number of games played per week or over a weekend. This is a temporary condition that lasts a few days and is reversed with adequate rest and proper nutrition. It is not a direct cause of overtraining, but can be the first step in its development.

訓練疲勞(Excessive training)通常都會發生在運動員被要求進行了無意義的高強度訓練或是訓練量過多之後。例如在健身房做了太強的重量或是做了太多的次數,或選手被要求做了太長距離或太快的衝刺訓練,並且組間沒有得到足夠的休息。球員也很在一些情況發生超量訓練的情況,譬如延長賽,雙重賽,或是突然被增加的密集賽程。


  • Overreaching is a brief period (1-2 weeks) of heavy overload without adequate recovery. The combination of high loads and lack of rest exceeds the ability of the athlete to adapt. This is the result of subjecting players to excessive training too often and too long. Performance decreases, but it is relatively short-term, lasting several days to several weeks. It takes more time to recovery from overreaching than from excessive training. This is the second stage of overtraining caused by chronic excessive training and inadequate rest.



  • Overtraining is the point at which an athlete starts to experience negative physiological changes (fatigue, irritability, lack of concentration, chronic joint or muscle pain, more or less sleep than usual, loss of appetite and weight, increased injuries, illness or infections) and chronic performance decrements. These can last weeks, months or longer and require longer recovery and regeneration periods.


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 60% of injuries among athletes in all sports is the result of overtraining. Recommendations on how to limit or prevent overtraining include the following:


  • Train for strength three times per week with alternate days of heavy, light and moderate loads. Adaptation occurs during recovery and it takes longer to recover from higher intensity loads. Constantly working with high resistance prevents adequate recovery, can cause CNS fatigue and increase the risk of muscle, joint and growth plate injury. Growth plates do not fully close in some males until ages 16-18.


  • If you use a 4-day split (MW and TTh), make the first and fourth (M and Th) workouts heavy and the other two moderate or light. This will avoid have two consecutive heavy workouts. You can also lift on MW and work on running mechanics, acceleration, speed, agility, body weight, PWC or plyometrics on T and Th. This will provide two heavy and two moderate to light days to help ensure adequate recovery.


  • Balance throwing, hitting and running intensity with intensity in the weight room. Players get better in practice, not in the weight room. Don’t schedule high intensity training sessions on the same day as high intensity skill sessions.


  • Schedule lighter workout days before competition. The mechanics of pitching, hitting, throwing, fielding, running, etc. change when players are fatigued which decreases performance and increases the risk of injury.


  • Use a periodization model in which the goals of training vary to meet the needs of the training year. Vary the exercises, intensity, frequency, volume and rest time to accomplish the goals of each training phase. One program will not accomplish all goals.


  • Avoid scheduling intense acceleration, speed, agility, plyometric or work capacity days on the same day or the day after high-intensity weight training sessions. Acceleration, speed, agility and plyometrics have a high CNS demand. Performing them in a fatigued state will not produce optimal results. Players will get tired, but not better.


  • The American Academy of Pediatrics and American Orthopedic Association recommend that players engage in training, skill work and competitions no more than 18 hours per week. If a player is participating in fall baseball and playing two games on Saturday and Sunday, this takes up 8 of the recommended 18 hours leaving 10 hours per week for conditioning and skill work. This is, of course, assuming that players don’t have fall team practice sessions and/or work with hitting, fielding or pitching coaches.


  • Monitor how much work each player is doing outside of school training and adjust training loads whenever possible.


  • Administer a daily wellness questionnaire to help determine the sleep, nutrition and stress level of each player to help when planning individual and team workouts. The school IT department should be able to help students and coaches access a wellness program via i-phone to speed up the process.


  • Schedule talks and send emails to parents. Discuss overtraining and the importance of rest, recovery and proper nutrition with players and their families at team orientation sessions. Provide the signs of overtraining to parents and players in e-mails and encourage parents to recognize and contact the coaches whenever they suspect that their son might be at risk throughout the season, not just in the introductory orientation session. Tell parents that approximately 75% of the players who start any sport drop out by age 14. Tell them that many players drop out because of low-grade pain that is actually the early stage of overuse injury. The pain is seldom diagnosed as overuse because many players tend to quit rather than deal with the pain.


  • Emphasize the importance of rest, recovery and diet by scheduling lighter conditioning and skill days.




